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Link to Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025

Season’s Greetings From the Entire Team at the MCML

Thank you for a successful year of collaborations and partnership! Cheers to a festive season! We look forward to seeing you in 2025!

Link to Collaboration Between TUM and Stanford (Framework)


Collaboration Between TUM and Stanford (Framework)

Funded by the MCML AI X-Change Program and BaCaTeC

During the summer of 2024, I had the privilege of representing the Computer Vision Group at TUM, led by Prof. Daniel Cremers, in a collaborative research project with the Geometric Computing Group at Stanford University, headed by Prof. Leonidas …

Link to Epistemic Foundations and Limitations of Statistics and Science


Epistemic Foundations and Limitations of Statistics and Science

Blogpost on the Replication Crisis

The Open Science Initiative in Statistics and the MCML recently hosted a workshop about epistemic foundations and limitations of statistics and science. The event brought together researchers from diverse fields to discuss one of science’s most …

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